Saturday, April 02, 2005


Here is my little article about Colgadas and colgada tango style.
Please, leave the comments here..


Anonymous said...

Hi Igor,

I danced with you on several occasions.
The most memorable one was at Tango Fireworks.

You gave me your card, asked me to email you, and said you didn't know why you bothered since no one ever did it.

I did! But never got a response.

I re-discovered you here at the SFT website and read your articles and opinions.

I am impressed and will share this website with my friends here in Albuquerque, NM.

Peggy Tucker (Baker now)

PS. I enjoyed dancing with you and still have the photo I took of you!

Anonymous said...

It is so interesting!
I am very grateful to you for e-mailing me!
Tango Fireworks was a wonderful event. I think the show was the most interesting tango show I have ever seen.
I am glad that you like what I write. I will continue my blog and articles.
Let me know if you going to come to San Francisco or Portland where I usually go.
See you on the dance floor!
PS. But I do not have your photo :)
and en e-mail
